This brief self-evaluation will help you determine whether you are a candidate for LASIK. After completing this evaluation, we will email you a general explanation of the questions and a personalized result based on your answers. You also have the option of receiving a call to discuss your results.

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Candidates for LASIK Vision correction

Your first step in finding out if LASIK vision correction is right for you is to schedule an appointment with Dr. David O’Day at Charleston Cornea and Refractive Surgery with 3 locations in the Charleston area, Mount Pleasant, North Charleston, and Myrtle Beach, SC. Dr. O’Day will measure your vision, the curvature of your cornea, the thickness of your cornea, and your pupil size to determine if you are a good candidate for LASIK.  LASIK has been proven to provide excellent results and is the most popular refractive surgical procedure in history. With advances in technology, we treat our patients with the latest laser vision correction procedures available including the new Zyoptix™ 100 laser.